Thursday, September 11, 2014

Taking The Four Horse Out

So, this is going to be hooked up to our truck this afternoon!

Why?? Welllll, just so happens I have a good lead on a horse for ME! My own! And since its an hour away I decided we better bring the trailer to save some gas when I hopefully decide I like him.

There are a lot of unknowns about him, unfortunately. All I do know is he is supposedly 10 (no papers) QH, and was trail rode by a 79 year old man previously. The person that has him now bought him solely to use this summer while his younger cousins were in town to just ride around the pasture and not have to worry about them. Apparently he has all barrel racers and none suitable for kids. (They were 5 and 7 I believe?)

So the guy describes the gelding as being a 'dead head' and broke broke broke. Which can mean so many different things to different people. Its pretty safe to say he is very quiet and laid back, but other then that?? Crap shoot! And the horse is only $350, which is kind of a red flag, but also my budget at this point! So I think he is worth looking at! Here is his pic:

So I was immediately struck by the cute ears/head and long legs. Then I see a fairly typey neck and over all build. He looks like a well bred horse to me! I was very surprised to see his price tag. I bet this boy has papers SOMEWHERE. If I decide to get him I'm going to try my best to get the phone number of the man that used to own him.

So wish me luck and all that! There is also something really funny/interesting I found out on facebook about who owns him now that I will share if I buy him, lol. ;)

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